Friday, July 15, 2016

Let Freedom Ring.

We are mourning the loss of scores of people tonight across the globe taken by different tragedies. The past weeks have been hard for everyone. The past decades. The last 250 years have been painful. Humanity has come a great distance in this fight. It's not over yet.

Over 7 billion people are out there worth living for. You can wake up tomorrow and make small changes in your own life to better the whole life of those 7 billion.

What changes can we make? Lift your head up and smile at others. Say hello. Instead of calling someone a negative name on twitter or facebook or leaving a hateful comment on youtube, wish them a good day and good health. Ask them how their week has been, and if there is anything that has been troubling them. Instead of asking to be paid for that small task, offer to do it free as a gesture of good will.

Those people you see and interact with on a daily basis will be the ones impacted. Which will brighten their day and your own, just try it and see. The impact will be viral and soon every city and town in the world will be having a great day.

How do we maintain these changes in our lives? Never stop doing the above things. Also, when you find someone stuck because of a lack of education, offer them the internet, provide links and phone numbers of helpful resources, names of people who could help them.

How do we eliminate the hateful and insane from the world? Purely education and opportunity. These are the only two driving factors that allow them the universe they live in. If there is a place in the world where the only opportunity to make money for you and your family is to join a fighting force, consider dropping cell phones with wifi access to the internet. The education will find them, or they will find the education. The opportunities will find them, or they will find the opportunities. When a human is given the opportunity to help themselves without having to do harm to others, they generally will. It's when they are helpless and backed into a corner with zero other options do they fall to the wind of the evil and corrupt.

We must find a way to reach out to these people, not to their leaders, but to their recruits and give them the opportunity of safety, education, opportunity, a future they can shape for themselves. This is democracy, and we must maintain the fundamentals of democracy even when they are being torn to shreds from every enemy.

When the easily manipulated and regimes of hopeless become educated and willful of their own determination to succeed at their own hands, the evil doers with greed and insanity at their core will fall on their own swords.

You have a guide, its with you every day, listen to that gut feeling. Trust it. Do the right thing. <3 p="">

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Genji Clears The Delivery Area: Overwatch Play of the Game

Genji Clears the Delivery Area.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Overwatch Play Of The Game - Winston 3 kills 3 mech kills

Overwatch Play Of The Game - Winston 3 kills 3 mech kills

Friday, June 24, 2016

Overwatch Play Of The Game - Pharah

Overwatch Play Of The Game - Pharah

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Overwatch Play of The Game - Tjolborn

Overwatch Play of The Game - Tjolborn

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Overwatch Play Of The Game - Zarya Graviton Surge

Overwatch Play Of The Game - Zarya Graviton Surge

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Would you like to know more about real life glitches?

Would you like to know more about real life Glitches? According to various internet sourced definitions of a glitch:

 "A personal, everyday-mode experience for which you have no explanation."

 "A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system. It is often used to describe a transient fault that corrects itself, and is therefore difficult to troubleshoot."

Some common explanations for these occurrences include but are not limited to: Deja Vous, Gut instinct, intuition, luck, tachyons, time travel, angels, spirit guides, and more.

This topic has a subreddit and is where I find these cool stories. Submit your own here:

From this subreddit: "This is a place to share true stories of weird coincidences, synchronicities and unexplained odd events that have happened to you."

According to this subreddit they further inform that this post was the inspiration for its creation, although there were many stories like it before.

Today we discuss that post. I will read it to you and then discuss some possibilities. Then you can determine if it's real or not. Totally impossible to prove, but it's fun to speculate.

If you like this fun content please tell me in the comments or let me know with the like button.

Have fun today and remember, eyes open, no fear! ;)